What do women and community have in common?

Well, a couple of things... Firstly, most women love being in community - they love to chat, hang out, shop, grab a coffee with friends, and take the kids to the park. But stereotypes aside, in many parts of the world, community is essential for the dignity, self-esteem and hope of a woman's life. It is where she expresses herself, has the freedom to live, laugh and learn, and often where she imparts her wisdom onto others.

Well, if you put a group of seven women together, that is undoubtedly where great things will happen! The establishment of Seven Women came about through women in community sharing their lives - their struggles and joys. Most fundamentally, they shared their hopes - to help other women with disabilities have a sense of purpose in life.

I think that is amazing!

Secondly, community is a place where important things happen, and usually there's a fair proportion of women involved. That's why we have community centres and public meeting places and community events. One of the great avenues of this recently for Seven Women has been at the Rotary District Conference in March in Melbourne.


Seven Women were able to have a presence at hat conference building awareness and relationships with people interested in the work and the products. The conference is an excellent selection of speakers and topics and networking opportunities with a focus of Rotary's community work around the world.

Imagine the impact we could have in the world if there more people involved in and invested in fairtrade and empowerment intiatives?

Now that would really bring women into un unstoppable, powerful community - without cultural or geographical boundaries!

Look out for Seven Women at other interesting and exciting community events in Melbourne and Sydney over the next few months. If you have any events that you think it would be good for Seven Women to be a part of, please let us know. Email steph.w@seven-women.com or marissa.f@seven-women.com