The legend of the Seven Women Stall
The Seven Women fair-trade stall at La Trobe University, set up every week by loyal volunteers
The seven women stall has run for more than a decade! read the story here
When Seven Women founder, Steph Woollard, returned from her first trip to Nepal, she wasn’t quite sure how she was going to make a difference, but she knew she was going to do something. Steph started the Seven Women Stall, a fair-trade stall at her university in Melbourne, to sell the crafts women in Nepal were working so hard to make. Now over a decade later, the stall is still set up every week by a team of dedicated volunteers who believe in the Seven Women mission; to educate, empower and employ marginalised women.
Not only did Steph begin her own fair-trade stall, Steph and the Seven Women wave was a big force behind getting La Trobe accredited as a fair-trade university in 2010 and was awarded the La Trobe University Club of the year in 2013. It is great to see that the stall is still going strong, having already raised over $2,185 this year, meaning eight girls have been sponsored to attend school for a year, all supplies included!
Hear firsthand what motivates and inspires our volunteers about the work of Seven Women.
Meet Jo
Jo is the President at Seven Women La Trobe and has been volunteering with Seven Women for three years.
Who could go past hand-made felt finger puppets?!
How did you hear about Seven Women?
”I heard about Seven Women in O’Week of my first year, before starting first semester. I signed up immediately after hearing about the great work that Seven Women does.”
What keeps you motivated to the Seven Women cause?
”The documentary ‘Bringing the Light’ keeps me motivated every time I watch it I am in awe and so inspired. In general, I am very committed to Seven Women and it is the highlight of my week. I love the stall and I am always trying to think of more ways to get more volunteers and raise more money. I get to spend time with some incredible people, make a difference and have time to do my study and go to work too. I feel part of a community, I feel as though I am contributing to the world and most importantly, I am doing what I love most - helping others. I think when I leave university I will miss our stall the most out of everything. Life is so hectic and you often lose hope and sight of your dreams, but I am realising that I am getting closer to my dreams everyday by being at Seven Women.”
Meet Nicola
The volunteer team after a screening of Seven Women documentary ‘Bringing the Light: The Seven Women story’
Nicola is the Vice-President and got involved after talking to Jo and learning the story behind Seven Women.
Why did you want to join Seven Women?
“I wanted to get involved as it seemed like a simple way to make a difference in the lives of others. Hearing about the women in Nepal and the difference Seven Women make in their lives and the lives of others is incredible. The other aspect of wanting to get involved was the sense of community within the club at La Trobe, it’s been a great opportunity to make friends and everyone involved is so kind and supportive.”
What keeps you motivated to the Seven Women cause?
”I think that every time I hear an update of what is happening in Nepal, the changes and the differences that are happening, I become more motivated. Knowing that we are making a difference in the lives of others is so rewarding, especially knowing that we are supporting them to achieve their goals and increase their autonomy.”
Meet Hannah
Hannah is the Secretary at the Seven Women La Trobe club and a passionate volunteer.
How did you hear about Seven Women?
“This is my second year with Seven Women at La Trobe, I originally found out about it through one of my close friends who was, at the time, the president of the club and very passionate about the cause.”
Why did you want to join Seven Women?
“I was eager to get involved in a club at La Trobe and have a passion for helping others that I wanted to explore throughout University. Meeting the other volunteers and hearing them talk about Seven Women and all that it does for Nepalese women really motivated me to seriously join the club and take on an active role in the club. Particularly hearing the story of how Stephanie started Seven Women and what it’s achieved really inspired me to join.”
With the support of fellow students, the La Trobe volunteer team continue to fund much needed scholarships in Nepal
You can catch the La Trobe team at many upcoming La Trobe University events, including O’Week (July 23rd), Clubs Fest (29th July) and Open Day (August 4th).
Without the support of people who share our mission, what we achieve here at Seven Women would be near impossible. So thank-you to everyone who believes in us and supports us everyday in our mission, you are all incredible people!