Photos: January and February 2015

We've had a quiet start to the year. 10922447_766709000080616_1123409865434835478_n10426864_766709066747276_3055752034167506391_n (1)10868079_766708930080623_2560583426718692304_n

In January, the women in Kathmandu began working on an order of 4000 bags. When completed, the bags will be shipped to the buyer in Europe.

10998902_788407607910755_5160965799066060306_n Throughout January and February a team in Australia worked on writing and creating a couple of new books to display at markets and events. This one tells the stories of some of our Nepalese producers.

10897855_768088786609304_7780135890868854141_n 10407385_768086069942909_4227163770063947474_n (1) 10917394_768086556609527_731065632117886629_n10898124_768085909942925_7777504500743744563_n

A group of students from Swinburne University in Melbourne visited Seven Women Nepal as part of their Culture Study Tour. The women got them to work on different handicrafts.


When some of the Swinburne students returned to Melbourne they decided to organise a Seven Women stall at university. The Swinburne Fundraising Club will hold a stall at the Hawthorn campus on March 2-5.



Vanessa Moskal and Kim Ramsay have both been on the Hands On Development tours. Vanessa is helping sell our products wholesale at the Sydney Gift Fair and Kim is filming the event. Kim is returning to Nepal soon to take some more footage for a Seven Women documentary.

Keep an eye out for us in March as we will have a very busy month. The La Trobe Seven Women stall will return, we're holding multiple events for International Women's Day and there's plenty more going on.